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People's Stories

  1. Portion control – John’s story

    “I've lost nearly 2.5 stone and have significantly reduced my HbA1C reading.”

  2. Portion control – Helen’s story

    “This shows that, we as individuals, can have an influence with our diet and activity to prevent this disease.”

  3. No longer pre-diabetic – Derek’s story

    “The programme has been brilliant and has made me aware of how the foods I eat affect my body and health.”

  4. New relationship with food – Graham’s story

    “The programme has supported me in creating a new healthier diet and lifestyle.”

  5. My transformed lifestyle – Karen’s story

    “I used to think that skipping meals would help me to lose weight quicker, I was so wrong!”

  6. My biggest achievement is losing 10kg in nine months – Peter’s story

    “My next step is to continue improving my health and fitness, and to lose a bit more weight.”

  7. More energy – Robert’s story

    “I find that I am now getting more exercise and my improved diet seems to give me more energy.”

  8. Healthy alternatives and small lifestyle changes - Luis's story

    Luis first heard about Healthier You when his GP recommended it after a blood test showed his blood sugar levels were high.

  9. Looking at the labels – Julie’s story

    Hear how our ‘Healthier You’ sessions helped Julie to lose 1.5 stone and leave the prediabetic zone.

  10. Lockdown lifestyle – Michael’s story

    “I’ve lost over 15kg in weight and five inches from my waist, and I am no longer pre-diabetic!”

  11. I’ve lost a total of 9kg! – Anthony’s story

    Healthier You has a had a big impact on my life and I feel better about myself, and much healthier.

  12. Growing confidence in myself – Joan’s story

    Find out how we supported Joan with improving her health and preventing diabetes just in time.


said we have helped them improve their diet and habits


said their Healthier You Coach was supportive