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Sweet Success- Peter’s Story

Sweet Success- Peter’s Story

Peter was referred to Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme after he was diagnosed a prediabetic by his GP. Peter was aware that he was overweight and had already started swimming to help this but due to his sweet tooth, realised that a more drastic change needed to be made to reduce his risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Hear in his own words how Peter managed to implement the changes needed, helping him to feel better in himself.

“Since diagnosis, I have carried on swimming but have also joined a gym. I combine cardiovascular workouts with weight training and time my workouts so I can finish off with a swim. I try to do this three to four times a week. I eat more greens; fruit and the puddings have gone. The cream and cheesecake have been replaced by Greek yoghurt mixed with fruit salad.”

Our Health and Wellbeing Coaches deliver informative sessions to groups of around 20 like-minded individuals. The sessions are designed to help participants understand the influence of different types of sugars on health, weight control and diabetes prevention.

“Since attending the sessions, my weight has dropped over 30 lbs, and I have more energy. My trouser size has dropped from 36 inch to 33 inch and all my clothing has become very loose. Visceral fat levels dropped from 11.1 to 10 with my muscle tone being more defined. My balance has greatly improved as I can now put my socks on whilst balancing on one leg.”

Our sessions focus on the understanding of diabetes, knowing how to eat well, identifying triggers, and increasing physical exercise and activity. These key elements benefit participants, and help them to feel fitter, healthier and happier after just a few sessions.

“I have a greatly improved quality of life. I think the workouts and weight training sessions have helped me to get rid of a few niggly aches and pains. People notice the difference in you and the positive comments help to keep you motivated.”