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Positive results – Linda’s story

Positive results – Linda’s story

Linda was referred to the Healthier You: Diabetes Prevention Programme (NDPP) by her GP, following routine blood tests showing higher blood glucose levels. Hear in her own words how she managed to improve her diet, lifestyle, and mobility.

“I have several medical issues”, said Linda: “atrial fibrillation, lymphedema in my legs and I have been overweight for most of my life. Dieting did result in weight loss but then I gradually gained weight every time I returned to eating normally again. I had limited exercise, walking especially, as I have had several falls, one resulting in a broken arm.

“After attending the first appointment with my nurse, she suggested joining an exercise class with one of the physiotherapists, which coincidentally began around the same time I began the sessions with NDPP. I continued with the exercises at home having bought some weights, a step and resistance bands, and I have followed the healthy eating plan provided in the sessions.”

This is a free behaviour change programme that helps those at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, developed by experts and underpinned by a decade of research into community-based diabetes prevention. Participants will receive support to change their lifestyle in a friendly and supportive group environment, facilitated by specialist Health and Wellbeing Coaches, over nine months.

“Since attending the group sessions, I am now conscious of meal planning, and only buy what I am going to cook, ensuring I eat balanced meals. I’ve managed to achieve a steady weight loss and throughout the duration of the programme I have lost 12.76% of my body weight. I feel fitter, less breathless and I have increased my mobility and strength in my legs.”

Our Health Coaches will provide guidance on how to sustain the lifestyle changes made, preparing participants to continue this once they have completed the programme. On completion, they will return to their GP for another blood test to assess the progress made against developing Type 2 diabetes.

“I am doing a bit more walking now. I haven't had my blood test yet, but I have my annual check-up appointment soon. I am hopeful that the HbA1C blood test will be a positive result!

“There has been a significant improvement to my health, thanks to the sessions, and I will continue with the tips and guidance I’ve learnt from this, as I really want to reduce my risk as much as possible of developing diabetes or other illnesses.”