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New relationship with food – Graham’s story

New relationship with food – Graham’s story

Following a routine appointment with his GP, Graham learned that he was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and was referred to NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. Here he tells us about his journey to reduce this and improve his diet and lifestyle with support from our Health Coaches.

“The realisation that I didn't know as much about foods as I thought I did, has been very thought provoking. Since joining the programme, I have learned about the effects that different foods have on the body, which is both interesting and helpful in maintaining a healthy diet.

“My initial approach was to cut down on portion sizes, followed by frequency and then on content. I found this approach worked well for me, and once established, the types of food were carefully considered and changed.

“Since attending the sessions, and implementing my new relationship with food, I’ve managed to lose weight and lower my blood readings from 44 to 42.

“The programme has supported me in creating a new healthier diet and lifestyle, thank you!”