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More energy – Robert’s story

More energy – Robert’s story

Following an appointment with his GP, Robert was referred to the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme for support in lowering his blood sugar levels. Here’s his story:

“I was referred to NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme by my GP as I had ‘atrial fibrillation’, which caused a slowing down of my activity, leading to a prediabetic assessment. My diet and lifestyle control became more important; I already didn’t drink, so my next stage was to understand what would help with weight loss and sugar reduction.

“The course sessions were refreshing and clearly presented by the Health Coach, professionally from the outset. Fine tuning on meals particularly understanding content carbs, fats and proteins has been the most resourceful part of the course for me.

“Since attending the sessions, I’ve cut out chocolate biscuits and if I feel like a snack, I now have a low-fat savoury. Overall, I have less fat, but high protein food in my main meals, and increase the amount of mixed veg (mainly broccoli) to keep up my metabolism. I still have chips but only in small portions.

“I find that I am now getting more exercise as my improved diet seems to give me more energy. I am only starting to walk longer distances as I need to monitor my heart rate. Since joining ‘Healthier You’ my sugar levels have dropped and I have lost two stone so far!

“I believe the weight loss will increase as exercise - particularly walking - increases when added to the diet initiatives. Not a huge result yet, but I have been able to pursue a walking related sport with better results. Thank you.”