Making changes - Jacqueline’s story

Before Jacqueline was referred to Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme, she received a shock diagnosis from her GP that she was borderline prediabetic.
Jacqueline told us: “I was overweight and realised I really needed to change my eating habits!
“Since joining NDPP, I have attended every session and taken on board all the advice and guidance. With support from my Health Coach at NDPP, I have changed my eating habits and tried to improve my activities where and when possible, as I have back problems, permanent pain and limited mobility.”
Our NHS approved Health and Wellbeing Coaches provide face to face delivery to groups of likeminded people who are on similar journeys to improve their health and lifestyle. Our programme consists of 13x 90-minute sessions over a period of 40 weeks, and on completion participants will return to their GP to assess their progress and improvement to blood results.
After learning how to implement the necessary changes, not only to her diet but to her lifestyle too, Jacqueline has managed to maintain her healthier ways and as a result has significantly reduced her risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.
“My blood glucose levels are now out of the prediabetic range, and I have lost weight. I am eating a lot healthier and have been more aware of the need to reduce my sweet cravings,” said Jacqueline.
“The Healthier You programme has been beneficial to me; I have enjoyed the sessions and gained an insight on the benefits of healthier eating and reducing sugar intake to avoid Type 2 diabetes in the future.”