Feeling positive – Dawn’s story

Dawn was referred to the Healthier You: NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme by her GP, following a routine check-up. Dawn was unsure on changes she needed to make to reduce her risk: “I lacked motivation to exercise or eat healthily”, she said.
Our group sessions are delivered by our NHS approved Health Coaches, and begin by focusing on understanding diabetes, the diagnosis and introducing the principles of lifestyle modification. The sessions provide guidance on how to eat well, increasing physical activity levels, and self-monitoring behaviour patterns.
Dawn told us: “I was so stressed with work and family issues that I did not prioritise my health. I knew my weight was creeping up and had been warned about the increased risk of diabetes but did not feel in control of any of it.
“Since attending the sessions, I exercise more, mainly with swimming and walking, and I have improved my diet, focusing on portion control, and cutting out or reducing fatty foods and unhealthier options.”
Throughout the programme, participants can learn how to identify hidden sugars, strategies around alcohol and healthy eating on social occasions. Our Health Coaches are there to support participants with challenging thought patterns and managing stress, to improve their relationship with food and drink.
“Since joining Healthier You, I am feeling more positive, and much more in control of my life and decisions. I now have the tools and knowledge to improve my health and lifestyle for the better.
“As a result of the programme, I have lost two stone in weight. I feel fitter and I am hopeful that I have reduced my HbA1C levels at the next check up with my GP.”