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It’s nice to meet people that feel the same as you! - Dorothy's story

It’s nice to meet people that feel the same as you! - Dorothy's story

Dorothy was told about the Healthier You programme by her GP practice when a blood test showed that she was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes

“It was a surprise. You don’t think about these sorts of things, so it was quite a shock really.

Since I’ve started, I make sure I go out a lot because I’m wearing my pedometer and that makes me go a little bit more.

I’ve lost about one stone and ten pounds, and I’m feeling fine.

It’s nice to go and meet other people and know that they feel the same as you.

Lots of people think that diabetes only affects big people, but that’s not the case. You look at people and think ‘you shouldn’t have it’ – so it just goes to show.

I’m looking forward to going to the next session and seeing if my blood sugar has gone down.

I know for sure I will continue this lifestyle after the programme; it’s being frightened of what could happen that makes me carry on.”