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People's Stories

  1. My biggest achievement is losing 10kg in nine months – Peter’s story

    “My next step is to continue improving my health and fitness, and to lose a bit more weight.”

  2. More energy – Robert’s story

    “I find that I am now getting more exercise and my improved diet seems to give me more energy.”

  3. Healthy alternatives and small lifestyle changes - Luis's story

    Luis first heard about Healthier You when his GP recommended it after a blood test showed his blood sugar levels were high.

  4. Looking at the labels – Julie’s story

    Hear how our ‘Healthier You’ sessions helped Julie to lose 1.5 stone and leave the prediabetic zone.

  5. Lockdown lifestyle – Michael’s story

    “I’ve lost over 15kg in weight and five inches from my waist, and I am no longer pre-diabetic!”

  6. I’ve lost a total of 9kg! – Anthony’s story

    Healthier You has a had a big impact on my life and I feel better about myself, and much healthier.

  7. Growing confidence in myself – Joan’s story

    Find out how we supported Joan with improving her health and preventing diabetes just in time.

  8. Feeling better about myself – Anne’s story

    “I have always exercised, but I probably didn't have the best diet.”

  9. Enjoying exercise – Catherine’s story

    “The programme has made me much more aware of how certain lifestyle choices affect your body and increase your risk of developing diabetes.”

  10. Energy boost – Keith's story

    “I don’t get as tired from playing with my grandson – I can run and hop!”

  11. Eating the right foods – Alan’s story

    "I have managed to reverse my pre-diabetic diagnosis and lost 11kg with the support of the Health Coaches.”

  12. It’s nice to meet people that feel the same as you! - Dorothy's story

    Dorothy was told about the Healthier You programme by her GP practice when a blood test showed that she was at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.


said we have helped them improve their diet and habits


said their Healthier You Coach was supportive